If used correctly, you can achieve the perfect and authentic charcoal smoky flavor similar to the traditional ones. For that, it is important to follow the right process. Wondering how to use an electric smoker that really works? To simplify the challenging smoking process, we consulted some grilling and smoking experts. With this knowledge, we have provided an easy and simple step-by-step process that even beginners can follow without any hassle. Read this article thoroughly to grasp all the expert tips and get the most from your electric smoker. Before diving into the process of using an electric smoker, it is important to understand the components present in this appliance. So, first let’s start with this information.

Different Components of an Electric Smoker

An electric smoker has five main elements that include heating rods, water pan, wood chip tray, grill rack, damper and vents. Below, we have provided a clear description of each element. Understanding the purpose of each components helps you have a better knowledge of the electric smoker and its process.

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1. Heating Rods

The heating rods are present at the bottom of the electric smoker. They are powered by electricity to heat the smoker and gradually cook the meat.

2. Woodchip Tray

A woodchip tray can be found inside the majority models, the heater is enclosed by a tray for wood chips which is where the wood chips made from various hardwood species slow burn and release smoke. Around a quarter way through the smoking process the electric smoker chef may make use of cups, pieces of wood or pellets into the area of heating (sometimes called the firebox). Chefs can utilize a selection of woods such as mesquite, hickory, oak and cherry, as well as maple, and alder.

3. Water Pan

The water pan that is above that, the tray made of wood, there is a water pan that is filled initially with cold water in order to stop the internal temperature of the device from rising too fast. When the water is heated it produces steam which aids with convection-cooked food.

4. Grill Racks

Many electric smokers come with barbecue racks made from stainless steel and you can place your meat directly on them or use hold cast iron skillets, in which the food you cook in can be roasted.

5. Vents and Dampers

Since oxygen feeds the flames, adjusting the air flow helps in controlling the temperature of the electric smoker. Dampers present at the bottom of the unit can be opened for airflow and it ensures oxygen for the flames to feed, thus raising the temperature. Additionally, the dampers or vents on high up in the smoke may be opened to permit the heat to escape. Also, heat escapes when the door to the front of the smoker is open.

How to Use the Smoker

It is an art to use the electric smoker and we are going to provide you the best process that is vouched by the grilling experts. This involves three main parts that include setting up the smoker, prepping and smoking the meat and cleaning the smoker.

1. Prepping the Smoker

The first process involves series of steps that include seasoning the smoker, adding wood chips and others. We have mentioned clear instructions below for your reference.

Seasoning the Smoker

Seasoning is the process where you use the electric smoker while it’s empty. It helps remove dust, odor, or any solvent residue, which might have been left inside. For this, you need to first rub the interior of the electric smoker with any cooking oil. Then, you need to turn it on at 250–275 °F for about 2-3 hours.

After that, you can turn the smoker off and open the door. Let it cool properly before you touch the internal components. Usually, the seasoning process depends on the model that you’re working with. However, you can always check the manual for the instructions. The seasoning is required only once, which is when the smoker is in its brand-new condition. Once you use it regularly, a layer of oil will form on the surface, which will protect it.

Turn on the Smoker

Now, you need to turn the smoker on. You can push the power button, which will put your smoker on standby mode. However, you’ll have to program it to the desired temperate and time. Otherwise, it won’t heat up. Make sure that you have connected the smoker with power and the power cord is not being obstructed. If there is an obstruction or if the cord comes unplugged during the operation, you will have wasted hours of good meat.

Add Wood Chips to the Tray

In most models, the tray for chips is situated on the right-hand side of the lower part of the unit. You can pull out the tray and fill it with the chips of preference. When it’s filled then slide it back into the tray and rotate the handle counterclockwise to transfer the chips onto the heating element inside. It’s recommended to add 600 grams of wood chips every 3-5 hours. So, if you’re using the smoker for long, you’ll have to replenish it consistently. Make sure to use hardwood chips for your smoker, including mesquite pecan, birch or hickory. Soft wood, such as pine and fir, can have a fast burn time and are more likely to create unappetizing tastes.

Preheating the Smoker

If your smoker has an electronic control panel, use the upward and downward arrows in order for increasing or decreasing the temperature when necessary. For smokers that have manual temperature knobs adjust the knob until the indicator is at the temperature you would like to set. It can take up to 30 minutes for the smoker to finish preheating. The ideal temperature for most meals Is 200–225 °F. But it always varies with the type of meal that you’re cooking. Make sure that you read the optimum cooking temperatures for your smoker.

Placing the Water Container

Once the preheating is over, you need to place a container full of water in the smoking chamber. You need to keep it at the bottom of it. Most of the time, there’ll be a space in the chamber meant for this purpose. But if there isn’t, you can simply place it at the bottom of the chamber. The water vaporizes when the smoker heats up and keeps the meat moist. Here are some points to note:

Use hot water to make sure that the smoker is at the optimal temperature Handle the container with care as it’ll be extremely hot You can use apple juice or even beer in the container to give a unique aroma to your food

2. Smoking the Meat

This part of the process involves preparing the meat, setting the temperature and cooking the meat.

Preparing the Meat

Apply BBQ rub to the chosen meat, then place it in the fridge while your smoker is cooking. The method you use to do this will depend on the type of meat you’re working with however, many cuts will require marinating or brining before grilling. Brining, in particular, can take some time (sometimes even a whole day) therefore be sure to plan ahead carefully and consider the time you’ll require. Alternately, if you’re simply seasoning your meat, make use of a dry rub, or salt and herbs after which you can store the meat for a night in the refrigerator.

Check the Temperature

Try to aim for a temperature goal at 225 degF (107degC). Utilize a special-purpose temperature thermometer for smokers to get more precise results and accurate readings. Different smokers with electric ignition will require different lengths of time to warm up, so in order to be able to get a precise idea of the time it will require for the meat you’ve chosen to cook, it’s essential to bring them up to the correct temperature first. Most smokers include the ability to gauge temperature and controls that let you determine when they’re ready for you to cook your meat, but there are a few that don’t. If you’re in need of a thermometer I would suggest getting an air probe to assist you. Many grilling thermometers can be used to gauge the temperature of meat but what you’ll need is an air probe that can determine the temperature inside the smoker. You must ensure that you wait until the smoker is at the perfect temperature. Do not start smoking before that. It takes about 30-45 minutes for the electric smoker to warm up.

Cooking the Meat

Using a long-handled meat spatula or a tong, move the meat onto the smoking racks in a safe manner. The meat should be arranged according to the order in which the racks are set up. Place your largest pieces on the lower racks that are wide and leave smaller items on the racks on the top.

There may be a need to insert large pieces of meat such as pork butts, or racks of ribs using your hands. Make sure to put on a heavy barbecuing glove before making the move to safeguard yourself from burning. To stop smoke from getting out make sure to leave your door unlocked for as brief an amount of time as you can. Close the door, then turn the latch on the handle to lock it. Locking the door can stop it from opening accidentally and venting smoke or heat. Always close and open the door to your smoker with the handle built into the smoker. The metal around the areas of the door could become extremely hot and can cause you to burn yourself If you’re not careful.

The time duration for smoking the meat can be between 2 and 8 hours depending on the kind that you’re using. Check out the recipe that you’re following to get an accurate idea of the amount of time your food items require to be smoked. While you’re waiting, don’t bother opening your smoker unless you’re trying to add water to the bowl. An effective way to tell whether you’ll need more water or wood is to observe the smoke. When it ceases to smoke opening the smoking chamber, you can open it and refill the water container up to the top. Then, add another 1 to 4 cups (150-600 grams) of wood shavings in the tray, place it back in place and then start smoking.

Check the Smoked Meat

After your meals are cooked, shut off the grill, open the door, then carefully take them off the racks. Place them on a different surface to cool. If the meat isn’t completely finished, it may have to be placed back to the smoker for an additional 1-2 hours, based on the recommended temperature.

3. Cleaning the Smoker

Cleaning the smoker every time after cooking/smoking is equally important as using it right way to smoke the meat. This helps in maintaining the smoker for a long time and get the maximum from your investment. Below are the steps to clean the electric smoker easily and safely.

Turn off the smoker and let it cool down properly.

Make sure to remove the plug from electric smoker after turning off the power button. Let the internal components, racks and internal walls cool down completely.

Remove the accessories

Now, you must take out the other accessories, like chips, the water cups and racks. You are able to easily take the smoking tray and chip tray racks away. Be sure to empty the cup completely and wash it, if you have water left.

Clean the debris using damp cloth

Take a damp towel and use it to scrub any dirt. If you notice any big food particles or fat remains on the front on the grill. Make use of a broom or a dustpan to remove the dust. If there’s any leftover, spread the towels on top of the smoker in order to collect any debris that you scrub out. It’s easy to dispose of after you’ve collected the trash.

Scrub the chambers with soapy water

Take a kitchen sponge or a brush that has bristles to wash the smoke chamber. It is possible to dip the sponge into soapy liquid. It will assist you in cleaning the grease. For the chips and water cup tray, wash it in the dishwasher and rinse them under running water. Don’t use abrasive tools like steel wool to prevent scratches on the metal surface. If you notice any moldy smell, then run the smoker empty for 4 hours to burn the mold.

Clean the smoker using fresh and clean cloth

Rub the insides of the smoker thoroughly to remove any wetness and moisture. Let it dry completely and for that you can open the door so that the moisture evaporates.

  1. How can I create a reusable drip tray? Use a pan or box that can fit in your smoker’s bottom rack. There is no more than a half-inch space between the sides. The next step is to take the foil in large pieces and create a pan on one of the sides of the container. Take care to fold or roll the corners to ensure that the foil pan stays its shape. If you’re lucky, you may be able to get some disposable trays from the dollar store, or go to this affiliate link. Don’t overthink the drip tray since it is designed to simplify your life with simple cleanup. It isn’t necessary for food preparation.
  2. How do you prepare woodchips in order to prepare for an electric smoker? Since electric smokers typically include temperature controls so soaking wood chips isn’t really required. But, soaking the wood chips can do a lot more than just help control the temperature of your smoker.
  3. How often do you add wood chips to the electric smokers? In general, one tablespoon of chips from wood can last for 4 to 5 hours. Keep an eye on the level of smoke without opening the door to the smoker. Add the wood chips each 4 hours or so until smoking time has been completed.
  4. can aluminum be used for my smoker electric? Smoked items that are wrapped in foil from beginning to finish won’t allow complete penetration of smoke vapor particles which provide the distinctive appearance, texture and flavor that smoked foods have. Additionally, you could increase the risk of developing health problems if you are exposed repeatedly to high levels of aluminum.
  5. What is the temperature you can smoke the meat with an electric smoker? Smoking meat is most effective when it is between 200-220 degrees Fahrenheit. To ensure safety, the majority of meats must cook to an internal temp of 145°F and poultry up to 160 degrees.
  6. What’s the point of a pan of water in the smoker? The moisture that is created by the usage of a water pan keeps the meat’s surface damp, which, draws smoke vapor which, generates fantastic flavor. The water vapor is mixed with the combustible gasses that emanate by the combustion material and enhance the overall taste.
  7. Can I use beer instead of water in smoking? It is possible to use beer as a way of give flavor when you roast on the rotisserie or smoking. It’s as easy to placing beer in your drip pan, or the water basin inside the smoker.
  8. Can I use pellets to fuel my smoker that is electric? For the majority of the time, pellets can be utilized in an electric smoker. It’s actually the most suitable wood to create that rich, thick deep permeating smoke that every beginner smoker is looking for.
  9. Which is better – Wood pellets or chips? Pellets aren’t as hot as wood chips and offer an even more smokey taste. Pellets also burn at more high temperatures, and are able to cook a variety of meat. Wood chips do not require as much processing.
  10. What amount of wood chips should you need to put into the smoker? To smoke for a long time, you can add a packet each 30 mins to help keep the smoke burning. A couple of handfuls of chips placed directly on flames will last for approximately an hour.
  11. Does the meat get brown or be charred by the smoker? Smokers can cause what’s known as “smoke ring” or “smoke ring” within the meat It isn’t likely that an item of meat will be charred inside the smoker.
  12. What kind of meat is best cooked in an electronic smoker? In this case, there’s no major difference between this smoker and the traditional cookers. Roasts of beef and pork are incredibly well-cooked along with sausages and brisket. Smoke the ribs using the electric grill. It is important to opt for cuts of meat that have more fat, since this will give them more flavor.
  13. Do you think that thick white smoke is a positive sign? If you use wood chips properly will result in an intense white smoke. If your electric smoker is becoming excessively hot, it could indicate that there’s excessive smoke. Open the vents and let it cool down.
  14. What kind of wood pellets is best to smoke? If you intend to smoke your meat for a long time, we suggest using top-quality wood pellets that can be used in electric smokers. With these smokers, wood pellets that are available in different smoky flavors are the best. For instance, applewood, or hickory is ideal for pork. Mesquite as well as pecan chunks of wood are ideal for red meat.
  15. My smoker is not working despite following the right process, what should I do? Lack of or insufficient smoke production is among the most frequent issues encountered with electric smokers. This can be resolved by using some simple tips. Some of them are included here for your reference. Making adjustments to the location of the wood chipbox in order to make it more close towards the element that is electric. Try using dry wood chips. Many believe that the soaking of wood chips into water will reduce the production of smoke. The wood chips are lit with an inexpensive propane torch prior to placing the meat into the smoker.

Final Takeaway

Electric smokers are the convenient option to smoke the meat compared to traditional charcoal smokers. However, if you want to get the maximum flavor, you have to follow the right process and procedure. You don’t have to be an expert to start using an electric smoker. You can go through the manual and read the basic guidelines. It will suffice. Also, you can follow the tips given above and start using your smoker. In most cases, the answer is yes. It helps in removing odor and chemicals, which might affect the aroma and taste of the food. Although it’s not always necessary, soaking helps in regulating the temperature. In this article, we have provided the process trusted by the most of the grilling experts. We hope the information has helped you experience the best smoky meat every time you use the electric smoker. If you still have any doubts, we recommend writing to us in the comment section below. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

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How to Use an Electric Smoker - 52How to Use an Electric Smoker - 69How to Use an Electric Smoker - 62How to Use an Electric Smoker - 8How to Use an Electric Smoker - 56How to Use an Electric Smoker - 74How to Use an Electric Smoker - 69How to Use an Electric Smoker - 15How to Use an Electric Smoker - 79How to Use an Electric Smoker - 15How to Use an Electric Smoker - 60