iCloud is a cloud storage platform offered by Apple. The iCloud allows secure file storage for images, videos, docs files, contacts, keynotes, Mail, Calendar, notes, and more. Most of the iPhone and MacBook backups and uploads are accessible on iCloud.com.

Password Protect Folder Before Uploading to iCloud

It is the best encryption method available. If you want to protect the folder content even if someone has access to the iCloud link. You can directly encrypt the folder and then upload it to iCloud Drive, and when someone downloads the folder or files, they need to enter the password to unlock the folder. The only catch here is the folder needs to be compressed into a zip file, and then you can encrypt the zip and upload the zip to iCloud. Here are the Simple Steps;

You can either Password Encrypt the Folder on Windows or Mac PC – Complete Detailed Guide If using Android, you can try apps like BI Archiver Zip to lock the Zip folder.Upload the Encrypted Zip to iCloud Drive.Now, if someone downloads the Zip, they need to enter the password you have set. Once the correct password is entered, the file is unzipped to access the folder content.

I tried all the 3rd party tools and tricks to check if there is any loophole, and I found none. This is the best encryption method to lock your folder or file in iCloud.

Password Protect Folder Using a 3rd Party Tool

You can use a free 3rd party tool named Link Lock by Jacob Strieb. The tool is free and ad-free, built for open source use. Link Lock uses AES in GCM mode to securely encrypt passwords and PBKDF2 and salted SHA-256 (100,000 iterations) for secure key derivation. Encryption, decryption, and key derivation are all performed by the SubtleCrypto API.

Visit Link Lock Site.Enter the Drive Folder Sharing Link. Create and Confirm Password. Click Encrypt.Copy the Encrypted Link. Now one needs to enter the password to unlock the Folder link. How to Password Protect iCloud Folder   2023  - 8How to Password Protect iCloud Folder   2023  - 7How to Password Protect iCloud Folder   2023  - 69How to Password Protect iCloud Folder   2023  - 11How to Password Protect iCloud Folder   2023  - 39