We all know that air-conditioners are one of those very few appliances in our homes that draw the most electricity. It requires more electricity than what the AC breaker is serviced for. So, the circuit breaker does the job of preventing the surging of electricity and fire sparks. It can be very irritating for anyone to handle the tripping of an AC breaker constantly. So, in order to find a solution, you need to know the fundamental reasons for tripping the AC breaker. In this guide, we will discuss the most common reasons and possible fixes.

What is an AC Circuit Breaker?

Circuit breakers are the components known for safety. These are essential safety components that help to protect the air-conditioner from any kind of damage caused due to short circuit and overload. When more electricity starts flowing from the electrical wiring, this circuit breaker works by cutting off the power until the problem has been completely fixed or reset. So, an AC circuit breaker is a crucial component that protects the equipment and prevents heavy currents flow. It also prevents electric fire by shutting off the power.

What are the Reasons for Tripping the AC Breaker?

There can be a myriad of reasons for tripping off the AC breaker. It can be as simple as dirty air filters and technical as looking into the wiring and compressor. So following are some of the most common reasons your AC breaker keeps tripping.

1. Dirty Air Filters

If you have already done enough research, you definitely have read that dirty air filters are one of the most common reasons for facing problems with the air-conditioning system. Even though it is the most prevalent reason, it is also one of the cheapest and simplest issues one can have in their air conditioner. As the AC works to remove heat from the interior home and transfer the air outside, there are enough chances of making the air filters dirty. The air conditioner performs heat transfer between the outdoor condenser coil and the indoor evaporator coil. So, when the evaporator coil gets dirty, it will not be able to transfer enough heat, possibly tripping the circuit breaker of the air-conditioner. How to Fix it? Make sure to change the air filters. It is one of the easiest solutions to several problems within the air-conditioning system. If you regularly use your air conditioner, make sure to check the filter once a month and change it at an interval of 2 to 3 months.

2. Hard Starting Compressor

A compressor is the most crucial component of your air-conditioner. The compressor is a part that ensures making cold refrigerant and keeping your home comfortable. When the compressor starts, it requires a tremendous amount of electricity. Even when the engineers make everything to increase the shelf life, there are instances when compression starts malfunctioning and hard starting. This means that the compressor is not able to jump start, which makes it require more power to start and run. This instance is enough to cause the AC breaker to trip every time you start. How to Fix it? You can choose to install a hard start kit on the compression. These kits are essentially the capacitor that stores enough electricity to give the compressor the extra kick it requires while starting up.

3. Dirty Condenser Unit

If you do not pay complete attention to maintaining your air-conditioning system, the chances are that the condenser coils get dirty and result in causing other internal issues. When the air conditioner coils get dirty with grime and dust, it can be one of the reasons behind the tripping of the AC circuit breaker. Debris, leaves and dirt can accumulate on the condenser coils, especially when you have not properly covered the outdoor unit. These coils release captured heat, but when they get dirty, the coils are not able to perform efficiently and thereby resulting in requiring excess power to work. It overheats the air-conditioner and results in tripping the AC breaker. How to Fix it? It requires frequent maintenance, which includes cleaning the external unit. Make sure that the condenser coil is clean and has not accumulated mud, debris, dust, or plants. You can also call the local technician to clean. If the outside unit has any damage in the condenser coil, it can result in a hefty investment.

4. Faulty Fan Motor

A faulty fan motor is one of the predominant reasons behind the tripping of an AC breaker. You might not know about it, but the fan motor requires proper cleaning to ensure optimum functionality. When fan blades are completely covered with dirt and grime, it can result in stressing the motor. With more and more use, the motor insulation starts breaking down. When the wires get exposed, a short circuit is very common. It allows current to easily pass through wires than they are designed to handle, resulting in the AC breaker tripping. How to Fix it? You must monitor whether the fans are properly spinning and their blades are intact. In case it is not, the problem is due to a faulty fan motor or the indoor blower motor of the AC. In such a scenario, it needs a replacement and professional assistance.

5. Electrical Short Circuit

Short circuits in your electrical system can result in spiking electrical currents. This is one of the predominant reasons for your AC breaker tripping every time. To be precise, one of the prime reasons for using a circuit breaker is to protect the circuits and prevent short-circuits. As an air-conditioner is a complex equipment which is full of electrical components and mechanical assets, it is powered with electricity. Over time, loose connection or wiring can cause the circuit breaker to trip. How to Fix it? It requires an expert electrician who can work with wires. It is better to contact the electrician or local HVAC contractor. If you don’t know, finding the primary source of short-circuit can be complicated.

6. Low Refrigerant level

Air-conditioners primarily work to keep your home cool with the use of refrigerants. It is entirely dependent on the refrigeration cycle. Refrigerant is the cooling component that is essential in air-conditioners. When there is low refrigerant, the system cannot remove heat from the room properly. Due to improper maintenance over time or when the unit gets old and corroded, it leads to cracks on the condenser coil. The low refrigerant level is one of the principal reasons that messes up the refrigeration cycle and results in the tripping of the AC circuit breaker. It can even be the reason for frozen indoor coils. How to Fix it? As it is not a simple issue, it is better to call the local HVAC contractor. They can make a thorough check of the refrigerant lines and AC unit to find out leaks. In case there is a refrigerant leak, the system requires refilling with refrigerant and a proper repair.

7. Frozen Evaporator Unit

If you have observed weak HVAC airflow, there are chances that the air-conditioner circuit will trip after a few days. The reason is that you might have a frozen evaporator coil. These evaporator coils are present in the indoor unit and they can hold refrigerant. When the warm air inside your house is not able to get its way through filters to evaporator coils, they tend to become so cold that moisture on them generally starts freezing. It is a common instance when the evaporator coils are not cleaned regularly. The ice present on the evaporator coil makes it harder for refrigerants to absorb the heat from your room. It requires the unit to work harder and draw excess power. This results in making the AC breaker trip. How to Fix it? It requires frequent AC maintenance and cleaning of AC coils. In case, it is not letting the AC perform the job, professional cleaning with certified professionals can be a good choice.

8. Bad Circuit Breaker

Apart from all the technical issues, sometimes the circuit breaker is itself a problem. When you find no other issues within the air-conditioner, but the AC breaker keeps tripping, it is time to take a look into the circuit breaker. A defective circuit breaker can be a reason for the problem. Due to regular use, it can sometimes become the culprit. As the wires start getting loose, it interferes with functionality. Even the capacitors present inside the circuit breaker can be the reason for the problem and result in failure. How to Fix it? Checking the AC circuit breaker can be dangerous as it requires working with the electrical wiring. It is better to call a technician and replace the AC breaker.

9. Grounded Compressor

There are windings inside the AC compressor, and when it starts breaking down and hits the side, it can cause a direct short to the ground. It ignites the compression oil and can cause burnout. It results in the AC circuit breaker tripping due to an electrical surge. It is generally caused due to wire deterioration over time, contributing to compression failure. How to Fix it? It is recommended to shut down the AC and call the expert immediately. In most cases, it becomes irreversible damage and requires replacing the unit or the compressor. Just like most of the reasons for circuit breakers, tripping can be prevented with regular maintenance.

10. Dirty Outside Unit

An air-conditioning system has both an inside and outside unit. The inside unit is installed inside your room to absorb heat from the air using refrigerant. This refrigerant then flows to the external unit for heat dissipation. However, the AC unit installed outside will not be able to disperse heat efficiently when it is super dirty. The dirt present in the unit works as an insulator. So the AC will try harder to dissipate heat through the outside unit, which will consume more power. As it tries to draw more current, it results in the tripping of the AC breaker. How to Fix it? It is recommended to call your AC technician to clean the external unit properly. It requires cleaning chemicals and equipment to clean the condenser coil professionally. Besides, improper use of components can result in damaging the coil. So it is better not to try yourself but to ask a certified or licensed technician to do the job.

11. Loose Wiring

As the air-conditioner starts aging, the wire inside the equipment starts getting loose. Remember that loose wire can result in getting electrical problems within the appliance and cause the AC breaker to trip consistently. Apart from this, weather changes can also result in loose wiring issues. How to Fix it? It is better not to work with wires until you have the knowledge, as it can be accident-prone. Contact the technician to handle this issue.

12. Capacitor Malfunction

When you experience trouble turning on the air-conditioner, it might be due to a bad capacitor. Remember that the capacitor is a crucial component of the HVAC systems. It is responsible for providing the initial push to the motor while it starts working. In case of motor malfunctioning, it tends to overload the capacitor and result in tripping the AC unit. Besides, power fluctuation is one of the principal reasons for capacitor failure. The capacitors can get overheated when the unit constantly works to cool your room during summer days. An overheated capacitor will draw more current and eventually result in the tripping of the AC breaker. How to Fix it? It requires replacing the capacitor. So get in touch with a technician to properly replace the capacitor.

How to Solve the Tripping of the AC Breaker?

All the mentioned reasons can cause the AC breaker to trip every time. You can also follow the steps mentioned below after finding the problem. There are times when lightning can result in a power surge and cause the AC breaker to trip. You can follow the steps to turn it back on in such instances.

Switch off the AC system at the thermostats. Switch on the AC circuit break switch on the electric panel. Wait for the next 30 mins and keep the system off to let the reset happen within the internet circuit break. It requires proper cooling of the thermostat. After half an hour, turn on the AC system.

These steps will solve the issue if there is no such technical issue. However, if you find the AC break trips again immediately, it requires a thorough expert diagnosis.


So these are some of the most common reasons your AC breaker keeps tripping. While some of the solutions can be done by properly cleaning the internal and external unit along with the air filters, some need working with internal components and hence seek expert analysis. It is better to call professionals to diagnose and find the exact problems to prevent the AC circuit breaker from tripping.   Comment * Name * Email * Website


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